Saturday, June 8, 2013 0 comments

Marianna Paige - Her Words and Tumblr

Constant TUMBLR users like me would definitely agree that TYPEWRITER Quotations has become one of the favorite post to be re-blogged on everyone's dashboard. Some termed it "typos" or "words" while I just simply refer to it as some random poetic pieces from various modern people who are gifted enough with creative brain capable of awesome vocab. Typewriter quotes are what we call them, because they are words  literally typed from a typewriter. I don't know why it became so "in" for tumblr bloggers, but I guess maybe because words when typed especially on an old papyrus/rustic piece of paper will make it look whimsical or creatively vintage , a theme that never goes out of style on making poetry looks poetic , putting some visual effect of touchy-feel on it.  Aside from typewritten quotes, hand written ones are also a constant re-blog in tumblr , especially when majority of those who recognizes them relates to its every line. Admit it, when you come across with some words you've never said before yet you realize it's exactly the  things you wanted to say if only you've formed them right up in your head, it's totally a pull of string from your very core. Hehe. Wow that was deep. But yeah, It's true right? Some of us aren't born verbally expressive, that is why we borrow words and we quote them.

This is exactly what made me tackle about this certain person from tumblr who makes honest to goodness beautiful essays. She's Marianna Paige. Her first essay that I've seen was in Instagram posted by Lauren Young and here's why I loved it :

Don't you think it's beautiful? Ahhh! Insert three hearts here! Hehe.This is exactly what I'd also write to my future lover if - let's say - if I'm as clever as Marianna Paige in carefully choosing the right set of words to mean what I say. The second time I saw another essay piece of her was on Pinterest so I immediately googled her name from there on and found out she's no famous author but just a regular girl somewhere. And she's in Tumblr!  Marianna , on how I notice her regular tumblr posts is just a 20 year old normal blogger who also curses  like a normal person and procrastinates a lot about the usual shits of life. I bet she never expected nor intended for her name to spread across the web. What I also like about her style aside from being direct while still sounding poetic is her depth and brutal honesty about the real thing. She once pointed out in her blog that everything she writes about are not based on the liking of her readers but on how she just wanted to channel down her thoughts regardless of how emo-ish and sobber she might sound. Indeed, when you want  heavy thoughts of yours unloaded , might as well be direct and true and express it the right way, be it in the form of arts, music or writing. Coz you never know it might turn out like a mirror , where people look at it and they see themselves too.
Here are the other samples of Marianna's works :


"You make list on your head about what you want in a lover, like brown hair and a sweet voice. A sharp mind and a soft heart , a sense of humor that actually makes you laugh like you mean it. This and That. And it's all bullshit because people aren't lists. And I've always wanted to be the person who made someone realize that. I want to come cross someone with a list in their head that is nothing like the person I am, and I want to show them what they didn't even know they were looking for. People who think they know what they want are fooling themselves. Nobody really knows what or who they want. Not until it's right in front of them." - Marianna Page

Click to visit Marianna's tumblr page and view her complete archive of writings. 
